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1 cm³ :
1000 mm³

Convert cm³ to mm³
for 8th grade

Convert cubic centimeters (cm³) to cubic millimeters (mm³) by multiplying by 1000

Convert cubic centimetres to cubic millimetres

Converting between decimal units of volume like millimetres cubed or centimetres cubed can be done by converting each dimension of the volume separately, then multiplying the converted dimensions. So when converting cubic centimetres to cubic milllimetres, think about the length, width and depth of that volume separately as a certain length in centimetres that must be converted to millimetres.

So a body with a volume of 1 cubic centimetre imagined as a regular cube with sides of 1 centimetre can be converted to a cube with sides of length 10 mm. The volume of the cube in mm³ is then 10 mm x 10 mm x 10 mm = 1000 mm³

Similarly, a volume of 3.4 cm³ could be thought of as a cuboid with dimensions of 3.4 cm, 1 cm and 1 cm. Converting these dimensions to millimetres gives us a cuboid of 34 mm x 10 mm x 10 mm which is 3400 mm³. By converting each dimension of the volume first to the target units, it becomes easier to convert the total volume to those units.

Below is a table showing the first 10 question answer pairs for the topic "Convert cm³ to mm³" as used in the lessons for this topic. Our games and tests for the topic use these 10 items plus 12 additional question answer pairs.

The topic "Convert cm³ to mm³" is in the category Ratio proportion rate for 8th grade (ages 13 to 14).

1 / 10
1 cubic centimetre converts to 1000 mm³
1 cm³
1000 mm³
2 / 10
0.54 cubic centimetres converts to 540 mm³
0.54 cm³
540 mm³
3 / 10
21 cubic centimetres converts to 21,000 mm³
21 cm³
21,000 mm³
4 / 10
56.7 cubic centimetres converts to 56,700 mm³
56.7 cm³
56,700 mm³
5 / 10
4.831 cubic centimetres converts to 4831 mm³
4.831 cm³
4831 mm³
6 / 10
0.79 cubic centimetres converts to 790 mm³
0.79 cm³
790 mm³
7 / 10
123.2 cubic centimetres converts to 123,200 mm³
123.2 cm³
123,200 mm³
8 / 10
17.22 cubic centimetres converts to 17,220 mm³
17.22 cm³
17,220 mm³
9 / 10
97 cubic centimetres converts to 97,000 mm³
97 cm³
97,000 mm³
10 / 10
28.046 cubic centimetres converts to 28,046 mm³
28.046 cm³
28,046 mm³

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Each of our math topics for secondary are made up of between 6 and 20 question and answer pairs (both the written form and a robot voice speaking those questions and answers). Each topic can be used with all the activities on the site.

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